Learn more about our Innovative Intelligent Bedside Cabinet.

What is the Intelligent Bedside Cabinet?

The Intelligent Bedside Cabinet is an innovative, secure cabinet designed to facilitate patient Self-Administration of Medication (SAMs).

It combines secure controlled access, additional storage, and a compact design to modernise bedside lockers.

In essence, it securely stores routine medicines and alerts patients (or guardians) when it is time to take their medication.


How it Works

  • Managed Secure Access: Ensures only patients, carers, and staff can access the cabinet. Allows patients to self-administer drugs while providing rich data to carers and staff about compliance levels. Uses the existing patient wristband, existing staff card and parent/carer ID badges.
  • Data Logging: Captures data to assist with monitoring dosage and frequency, including:
    • When did the patient accessed the drugs.
    • Which drugs have been taken.
    • The dosage.
    • Attempts to access drugs early.
    • Missed doses.
  • Three Drawers:
    • Staff access (medication).
    • Patient access (medicines).
    • Patient access (valuables and property).

Access Levels

The Intelligent Bedside Cabinet offers three levels of access:
level 1

Clinician Only

The clinical staff supervises the administration process, ensuring the patient understands the medication.

level 2

Clinician Supervised

The patient self-administers the medication under the clinician's supervision.

level 3

Self Administration

The patient takes full responsibility for storage and administration.

Key Benefits for Patients & Carers

  • Understanding Drug Regimes: Helps patients understand their medication regime, supported by professionals.
  • Empowerment: Enables patients and carers to self-medicate in a controlled environment, promoting good practices.
  • Minimise Risk: Reduces the risk of incorrect administration.
  • Autonomy: Provides data on patient autonomy, informing post-discharge medication options.
  • Preparation for Discharge: Prepares patients and carers for discharge by establishing necessary support systems.

Key Benefits for Staff

  • Alerts: Issues alerts when patients miss self-medication windows.
  • Time Savings: Reduces time spent on administering medicine and related paperwork, allowing staff to focus on more critical tasks.
  • Rich Data: Provides data and reporting to help staff understand patient behaviour regarding self-medication.
  • Cost Savings: Eliminates the need for double dispensing, saving costs, especially on expensive drugs.
  • Clinical Assessment: Provides data for clinical assessment of a patient's ability to self-administer.
  • Reduced Readmissions: Decreases the number of patients returning to the hospital due to incorrect medication.


Kinetic-ID’s Intelligent Bedside Cabinet supports clinical staff in enabling patients to self-care when they have the capacity. It facilitates quicker discharge by providing safe analysis of medication administration and a better understanding of drugs and drug regimes.

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Get in Touch

If you’d like to participate in future trials of Kinetic’s Intelligent Bedside Cabinet please get in touch and one of our colleagues will follow up.

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